Sunday, July 11, 2010

I should give you some history about case you were wondering.
I came to Star Island after ending my horrible marriage...scroll down and meet my ex-husband.

This is Dr. Stan Frederick, my plastic surgeon ex-husband who has about as much compassion and humanity in him as the quack he is. What can I say, this picture shows him exactly as he is...a cold, sadist with a saw in one hand and a hammer in the other.
I married the slime ball when I was vulnerable right after the long, drawn-out death of my mother. Little did I know all the sleazeball wanted was for me to put him through medical school by working round the clock.
Soon as he graduated, guess what he did? Yep, told me he wanted a divorce. I was too much like a "cow" for an up and coming California plastic surgeon.
Meet my replacement...

There is serendipity in the world, and it came to me when my aunt, Kelly Westmont accidentally fell to her death and willed me her home. See Kelly was the Lighthouse keeper on Star Island.

Course there is one drawback...

Now I am going to have to find out why she's haunting and hopefully send her to "The Light." Maybe I can get that hunky Sheriff to help me. Think he'll see me as a cow too?
And you can help me piece it all together on January 1, 2011 when my story, The Lighthouse is released.
In the meantime you might want to get to know my mentor. She's one busy as a bee author I can tell you. You can reach her at her WEBSITE and on her BLOG as well as at MUSE IT HOT BLOG and MUSE IT HOT PUBLISHING website.
But Lin wants me to remind you to stop back tomorrow for the next in her daily series; A COVER A DAY KEEPS THE SKEPTICS AWAY.
Thanks for stopping by and Lin also wants me to add the Muse It Up Motto that was created by Litsa Kameteros who partnered with Lea Schizas co-created MUSE IT UP AND MUSE IT HOT PUBLISHING:
~Building A Team To Achieve The Dream~
Thanks for the Great Motto Litsa Kamateros, Muse It Up Publishing Marketing Director.