I've been immortal all my life, and am extremely good at what I do.
After all, it's what I was created for over 950 years ago.
But the whole family
is weird and things are getting weirder by the moment.
Wanna see some more of the family?
Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Can you guess who they are to me?
Then I guess you'll have to wait until the October 2011 release of my story SUC-U from
Muse It Hot...Where
spice makes your
blood sizzle
Oh okay I will give you
a hint...several of my family members won't debut until the
sequel...still being written SUC-U-TOO.
That last family member with the long wavy red hair is my distant cousin...whom I think is maybe twice my age. (We age well, don't we?)
Bal Buster is her name. (Isn't that a GREAT name for a Suc?)
Till then you can follow L.J. Holmes at her Author's Platform Blog
Or on her Face Book Page
If you're really feeling daring and very lucky since Lin does not understand it yet, you can check out her TWITTER account too!/AuthorLinHolmes
or e-mail her at